Combo Plate Coming!

I have a tough time juggling the different sites I have and it seems to take me such a long time! Post here, post there, twitter, instagram, etc. I’m exhausted! I have another blog called, “Swingin’ Dolly” here on wordpress that is about my event planning and event crafts business I do from home.

Last night when I was posting here, I was thinking, “I haven’t spent any time on my Swingin’ Dolly – and that’s a complete atrocity!”

So, I am making some changes. I have a website now for Swingin’ Dolly’s event stuff at I will be posting to the website the specific events/ crafts stuff so I can do more of the domestic side on WordPress, help to elevate some of the extra posting time and help to keep both updated more regularly.

I will also be reposting links to the posts from Move Over Stepford to Swingin’ Dolly so that nothing is missed; I’ll be adding to a couple of the pages and HOPEFULLY by Monday, 7/11, I will have everything converted and done. 🙂

Once the conversion is complete, I will only be posting to Swingin’ Dolly to help streamline how long it takes me to post! LOL #NotLazy #MaybeALittle

I hope that those of you who have enjoyed this blog will come on over to the new home of the blog at Swingin’ Dolly. It’s the same blog, just a new home. 😉

Take care everybody and be kind.

Swingin’ Dolly

The Trophy Wife

Mindset 7/6

I’m burnt to hell still but got in my workout! I’m going to be adding weight for my next workout. Anyway, here is my mindset list! 

  1. Workout – cardio
  2. 8c H2O
  3. Log intake
  4. Plan for Thursday
  5. Walk 30+mins

I hate to cut this short but I’m exhausted. I got a long day tomorrow too. 

Take care everybody. And be kind. 

The Trophy Wife

Shit I Enjoy: Postmodern Jukebox

Just wanted to stop in and thought I would drop a line about some music I like. LOL There’s a band that creates modern pop in vintage styles and I think they are brilliant! I could listen to their shit all day.

Anyway, sunburn has now become an official bummer. After yesterday, I went to the doctor because there is no reason for this to be as painful as it is, right? Well, there IS a reason. Continue reading

Mindset 7/5 Tuesday

I have to adjust a little bit for tomorrow because I have to take into account this sunburn 😦 Anyway, here is the Mindset plan for tomorrow:

  1. Upper body workout (I already have alternate exercises ready for tomorrow to accommodate this sunburn)
  2. Walk 30+ minutes – mall walking is what I do at 9 am. It’s safe, air conditioned, and they have a playground for the kids.
  3. Drink 8c H2O
  4. Log intake
  5. plan for Wednesday

For my gratitude:

  1. Call my ma to thank her for coming to visit today
  2. bring my old lady friend at the mall walkers a bottle of water. She always forgets hers and I see her struggling at the water fountain.

Ok that’s my plan! For dinner tomorrow I’m making garlic lemon chicken breast with rice and broccoli. My cleaning project is, you know, everything because my kids only know how to MAKE messes. When it comes to cleaning shit up, I get, “But mom it’s not mine!” Because the my little pony parade – that seemed to be bombed by barbie and her militant friends, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – is mine, right? UGH All you have to say is OK mom and do it! Then maybe next time I won’t have to tell you to do it!!

Anyway, I got cleaning to do. night all!

The Trophy Wife


Yesterady, the Fam Bam went down to the beach to watch fireworks off the marina. We were there from about noon to 10 pm. It was a last minute plan and I was all alone in trying to pack and get 3 kids ready etc. But we got it done and had a great time! Except for one thing. I put myself last again.  Continue reading

Organization is Our Friend

Being pissy missy, I got in an extra yoga session, had dinner (chicken noodle soup) and just soaked in negativity for a while. Then I thought about it for a moment. How can I make this anger-session positive (remember, I’m still trying to wrap my brain around The Secret). I thought I would create a little packet that I can take with me as a way to keep me motivated and on track. How did I do that, you ask? Two words: Index Cards. Continue reading

Slave to my Emotions…

So, this week I am undertaking this pretty huge change in my life this week. Though I haven’t been perfect (FAR from it), I have tried and grown (in little ways) closer to my goals. AND BONUS! I have come one pound closer to where I want to be. BOOM BABY! Trying to keep a check on my emotional eating, I really, really do my best to understand the triggers.  Continue reading

Mindset Day 6, Sat 7/2

Hate to post and run but I gotta get working and it’s already 10 pm. I’m trying to put myself on a better sleeping schedule. Anyway! Here is the mindset for tomorrow!

  1. Workout
  2. walk 30+ mins
  3. drink 8c H2O
  4. Log intake
  5. Plan for Sunday

My encourage and gratitude list is

  1. Call my sis-in-law so she can chat with the girls
  2. be nice to BF even though today he was a complete tool.

That’s it! I have like 12 hours of transcribing that I need to get done so I’m gonna get going.

Take care everybody. And be kind.

The Trophy Wife